
Unfortunately, my photos of Copenhagen are rather limited for two reasons, the first being that I left my SD card for my camera behind and the internal memory on the thing is miniscule, and the second is that on this particular day the winds were blowing at an icy -11 degrees, so every time I pulled of my glove to attempt a quick picture with my iPhone I almost got frostbite in the process. This was really the first day I actually felt real bone-chilling cold here (besides the unavoidable face-chill), in Lund and Dalby the daytime low has only dropped to about -6. It's crazy how easily I've adapted to the cold, I think the fact that it's been covered in snow since I got here has something to do with it. The snow sort of validates the cold in my opinion. On the other hand, if it's just wet and dreary, the cold is just miserable. It was a bit like this in Copenhagen, which, being a city isn't really privy to flat plains of snow like my dear Swedish countryside. So we were, well, a bit under the weather and didn't get to enjoy all the sites. All the same it as a lovely day, lifted by the fantastic herrings I had for lunch, I am so obsessed with them.

Since these are all iPhone photos, the green blur is regrettably at large. Problem could be solved by changing the iPhone cover, but I'm sort of attached to the big lego-looking thing. 

 Amalienborg Palace, residence of the Queen. Not exactly what I expected, in the sense that it's so open, made up of 5 buildings facing onto this court with the statue in the middle. You could practically knock on Queen Magrethe's door (if it weren't for the guards in their funny hats).

Rosenborg Palace, home of the Crown Jewels, set in a beautiful park. By the time we got there it was after 3.30 and it shut at the very Euro hour of 2pm so missed my chance to get inside.

Trees blur.

And once again it's 4pm!


  1. These turned out really well, given arctic conditions/hulk iPhone case!

  2. It's all mood-light, I'm the next Bill Henson.

  3. Next Bill Henson for sure. Given the circumstances Id say your a trooper. ps 4pm and already night, means its easy for anyone to party all night if ya know what im saying. Pss. defs adding copenhagen to my list of must sees in europe.. pppsss. not gunna lie. it was already on my list but now i wanna see it more.
